On behalf of the Duero Basin Authority, we evaluated the passability of more than 3,500 transversal obstacles. At the same time, we developed the passability, compartmentalization and longitudinal connectivity indexes that allowed us to carry out the first analysis of longitudinal connectivity at a basin level. These indexes have been the basis for the development of the connectivity index used in the national protocol for the hydromorphological characterization of river in Spain (M-R-HMF-2019).
González, G., Rodriguez-Muñoz, I., Seisdedos, P., Pérez Cardenal, D., Miguelez Carbajo, D., & Gallego, R. (2011). Diseño de índices para el análisis de la conectividad longitudinal en la cuenca del Duero. Restaurarrios 2011, 378-385 Restaurarrios 2011, 378-385